Montag, 4. März 2013

Der Gastfamilien-Brief

Dear Host Family
First of all I want to thank you for opening your home and hosting me, and for providing me with this wonderful chance. I cannot wait to experience your culture with you. It is been one of my biggest dreams to do an exchange year. In the following letter I want to tell you something about me, my family and my friends, my school and my hobbies.

I am Sarah and fifteen years old. I have to take the bus every day. My favorite subjects are Spanish, Maths, Music and Sport. My school is a small and very personal school where everyone knows each other.

Now I am going to tell you something about my family. We, that is my mother, my father, my younger brother, our dog and our budgie, are living in a house with garden. My father works as a controller, my mother was an employee and at the moment she is a housewife at home and my brother is 13 years old and goes to school. My grandfathers and my grandmothers are living next to us. One of them has also a dog. Our relationship to each other is very good and we can count on each other every time. We have a lot of fun together. We go together to tennis matches or we help our parents and grandparents in the garden or in the house.

On a typical weekday I wake up at 5:45 am. Then I get ready for school that starts at 8:00 am. On Tuesday and Friday I have school for 6 hours, Monday and Thursday I have school for 8 hours and Wednesday I have school for 10 hours. Sometimes after school I have lunch with my mother and my brother. Then I do my homework. Sometimes I play tennis in the evening. In the evening we have dinner all together.

On a typical day at the weekend I like to sleep longer. But sometimes I have a tennis match, I hang out with my friends or I going to do something with my family, for example in summer we go to an adventure park.

In my freetime I prefer doing sport. I play tennis 2 times a week. I enjoy meeting my friends and go shopping with them. We always have fun together whatever we do. In the summer holidays we are at the Baltic Sea. I love it because we meet friends of the previous years, we can go windsurfing, we can go swimming, we have a lot of fun and the sun is shining.                                 
I’m fond of traveling other countries. I have been to France, Spain, Austria, Poland, England, Netherlands. It was always interesting for me to get to know other cultures and new people. I like to write letters with my new friends or we are just talking about the internet. I would say I am an open-minded and spontaneous girl, who is interested in new things.

The reason why I really want to do my exchange year in the USA is that I have heard so many positive things about the US. I talked to a lot of students who did an exchange year and they all were enthusiastic. My friends and my family say that I am open-minded and easygoing and that is what I have heard about American people.  It is also a chance to improve my English. It will be a wonderful and eventful experience. Another reason is attending a real American High school and living in another family – your family.

I would like to bring you my culture and lifestyle close. Maybe I can cook a German meal for you. I will tell you about my life in Germany, about German people, how school works in Germany and the German way of life.

I thank you again for giving me the possibility to live in the USA in your family and for fulfilling my dream.





Der 2.Schritt...

Nach den ganzen Bewerbungsgesprächen hieß es die vollständige Bewerbung auszufüllen/fertig zu machen. Das heißt nicht nur eben mal schnell ein paar Seiten ausfüllen...zack, zack - fertig....Nein. Das kostet Zeit. Man muss Fragen beantworten, Briefe für die Gastfamilie schreiben, beim Arzt alles checken lassen, mit der Schule alles klären...Und das dauert. Ein Teil ist theoretisch das Bewerbungsgespräch nur schriftlich und ausführlicher...und der andere Teil besteht aus den Sachen mit Arzt usw..und den Briefen..Nicht nur ich musste einen Brief schreiben, sondern meine Eltern auch.

Der zweite Teil der Bewerbung bestand aus dem sogenannten 'Slep-Test' und dem Aussuchen der Bewerbungsfotos. Das Aussuchen der Fotos war das Einfachste von allem, dennoch sollte man auf gewisse Sachen, wie z.B. keine alkoholischen Getränke im Hintergrund, achten. Das wird in Amerika nicht so gerne gesehen.
Der 'Slep-Test' bestand aus einem Hörverstehen- und einem Leseverstehen-Teil. Er war einfacher als ich gedacht habe. Also keine Panik...Take it easy! :D

Und jetzt heißt es wieder warten...

Sarah :)